
A Vehicle With a Power Rack and Pinion Steering Gear Is Hard to Turn When Cold UPDATED

A Vehicle With a Power Rack and Pinion Steering Gear Is Hard to Turn When Cold

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The three basic requirements of steering gear are :
  1. To exist continuously available, motility the rudder rapidly to whatever position of degrees in response to the lodge from the bridge during manoeuvring and hold it in the required position
  2. have arrangements for relieving aberrant stress and returning it to its required position
  3. maintain the send on course regardless of current of air and waves.

Testing in Port and prior to Difference
The regulations SOLAS Affiliate Five Regulation 26 and 33 CFR Chapter 1 164.25 �Tests earlier entering or getting underway� take to be complied with. During stays in port between voyages or passages a test is to be carried out within 12 hours of the estimated time of "stand by departure".

Normal adequate practice is one hour earlier departure, with all the generator/alternator engines required for standby on line, and Bridge and Engine room watchkeeping officers on duty. Prior to testing, the following checks are to be carried out :

  • The hydraulic oil levels in the primary gear, its reserve tank (minimum level equivalent to 90% total capacity), and the telemotor systems.
  • The grease points and greasing arrangements.
  • A visual inspection of the steering gear and associated linkage.
  • The advice system between the steering gear compartment and the span.

Testing is to include the following:
  1. The chief steering gear, ability units, pumps, and hydraulic machinery.
  2. All the bridge manual steering controls.
  3. The span/steering spaces electric command arrangement.
  4. Manual operation of steering control.
  5. Ability Unit failure alarms.
  6. All remote rudder angle indicators.
  7. Swinging the rudder from hard to port to hard to starboard.
  8. Automated isolating arrangements and other automatic equipment.

During this operation, the remote rudder angle indicators are to exist checked for accurateness with the main indicator affixed to the steering gear. The ammeter readings from both motors are to be recorded in the Engine Room Log. The fourth dimension taken for the rudder to move from hard over (35 degrees) from one side to the other is to be recorded for both motors singly so both together. These times are to exist compared with the manufacturer�s specified times.

4 ram steering gear

Fig:Typical iv ram steering gear arrangement for cargo ships

If the time taken to motion the rudder from 35 degrees on either side to 30 degrees on the other side exceeds 28 seconds when using both motors, then the appropriate management function is to be advised. It is of import that as the rudder approaches the hard over position, the �stroke� comes off the pump or pumps in utilise, slowing down the rate of belch from the pumps and thus the charge per unit of traverse of the rudder. This functionality is necessary in club that the rudder does non overshoot the designed limits of travel. A feedback arrangement consisting of a floating link in the control of the pumps or an equivalent electronic arrangement takes intendance of this and it is important that testing of the steering system checks that this happens.

When difficult-over, the rudder must not exceed its designated limit as this could atomic number 82 to the rudder getting stuck in this position. The SOLAS requirement is 35 degrees on both sides.

A creep examination is to be carried out, and the results recorded in the Engine Room Log. Proof marks of rudder to tiller arm, and vessels with taper fit connections are to be checked to ensure no displacement or slippage has taken place. Clothing downwards is to be checked using the poker judge or other device as appropriate, and the readings recorded in the Engine Room Log.

Where no proof marks or means of checking are available the office is to be informed, and such marks introduced as soon equally possible. In port, when the vessel is at a suitable draft and access is available, the Main Engineer is to sight the rudder stock connections i.east. palm bolts etc. and where possible the jumping clearance. With rudders which do not have externally visible connections, the position of the rudder in a horizontal airplane relative to the sternframe/hull is to exist carefully scrutinised.

Any show of damage, slackness, or alteration in the rudder position relative to the vessel's hull in a horizontal aeroplane is to be reported to the Office immediately. Following a repair period, drydocking, or lay up, a test is to be carried out as soon as is practical.

Testing at Sea

Testing of the steering gear at ocean is at the jurisdiction of the Master. The Master is to be on the Bridge and the Chief Engineer in the steering gear compartment at the time of the test. (33CFR Affiliate i 164.25 to be complied with)

Under normal sea speed, the rudder is to be put from difficult to port to hard to starboard on one motor, and then on the other motor. This procedure is and so to be repeated using both motors. The ammeter readings during these tests are to be recorded and entered in the Engine Room Log Book. If the time taken to move the rudder from 35 caste on either side to xxx caste on the other side exceeds 28 seconds when using both motors then the appropriate management part is to be advised.

On vessels with steering gear designed to operate with only ane motor on even when manoeuvring (the second motor being on stand up-by), single motor performance should meet this criteria. A creep exam is also to be carried out and the results recorded in the Engine Room Log Book. Creep Test - With one motor on a setting midships If the rudder creeps more than 5 degrees in one minute then management office is to be advised.

Emergency Steering Drill

An Emergency Steering Drill is to be carried out at to the lowest degree once every 3 months. It is to consist of direct functioning of the primary steering gear by manual control within the steering compartment. Steering is to be directed past advice from the bridge to the steering compartment. Where applicable, the operation of alternative power supplies is to be tested. Notices are to be posted next to the steering gear emergency station with a alert that no testing of the steering gear control system or its components is to have identify whilst the vessel is underway, unless under the direct supervision of the Chief Engineer. All ship�s staff must be fabricated aware of this requirement.

Electric, Hydraulic and Mechanical Change-Over Procedures

All Engineer Officers must be able to bear out the electrical, hydraulic and mechanical modify-over procedures. If non in being, a valve position diagram must exist produced with the position of all valves. Such valves are to be clearly marked by numbers or letters.

These diagrams would normally show the following situations, unless the steering gear is of the rotary vane type:

a) Starboard hydraulic pump in apply;
b) Port hydraulic pump in use;
c) Starboard and port hydraulic pump in use;
d) Emergency hydraulic pump in use;
e) All four hydraulic rams in employ;
f) Only after opposite hydraulic ram in utilise;
g) Simply forward opposite hydraulic ram in utilize;
h) But starboard hydraulic rams in apply;
i) Only port hydraulic rams in utilize.

The Master and Primary Engineer are to report to the relevant Direction Office, common hydraulic pipes in the arrangement which in case of failure, would upshot in having the whole steering gear out of order.

Rudder Arrestor Systems

On vessels fitted with a rudder arrestor system, all Engineer Officers must be familiar with, and be able to operate, the organization.


Log Book entries are to be made when all inspections and tests are conducted and when emergency steering drills are carried out.

Related data

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  17. Ships steering gear testing requirement
  18. The regulations SOLAS Chapter Five Regulation 26 and 33 CFR Chapter 1 164.25 �Tests before entering or getting underway� have to exist complied with. During stays in port betwixt voyages or passages a test is to be carried out within 12 hours of the estimated time of "stand up by departure"....

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A Vehicle With a Power Rack and Pinion Steering Gear Is Hard to Turn When Cold UPDATED

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